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29th Worldwide Membership Conference IFLN

29th Worldwide Membership Conference IFLN

29th Worldwide Membership Conference IFLN

The 29th Worldwide Membership Conference IFLN was held in the city of Bangkok, Thailand, opening a new stage for the organization and all its members.


As every year, this event is an excellent occasion to see the partners with whom we have been working for so long, hold meetings to strengthen the relationship and also share good times. And of course, welcome the new members who have joined the organization throughout the year and know them a little more.

In the case of Integra International, during the week conference, we had more than 150 meetings with partners from the five continents. That’s allow the cooperation between partners and create synergies, facing the new challenges of the current market and thus, improve the competitive edge of the members of the organization.

We have been happy to have fulfilled the main objective of these annual conferences. Especially this year, we have focused our interest in the development of relations with the members of the organization who collaborate with us in the field of Defense logistics.

Year by year, we are proud to be part of such an excellent event and organization. Thanks so much to the staff of the IFLN organization and the sponsors of the event for their excellent work.

See you again next year in Dubai, where we will celebrate the 30th IFLN Membership Conference.